Jun 21, 2008

Learning about me

I have a phobia. A true phobia is an intense irrational fear. It doesn't make sense. I have a dog ownership phobia. I literally cannot handle it. I love dogs. I love all animals. I want to own a dog. No wait...I want to be able to own a dog. I cannot own a dog. I get an adorable pup. I am fine for about an hour. I look at the dog and my heart starts pounding. My mouth goes dry. My chest closes up. I start to feel like I am going to faint. I have to have a way out. I have to have a way out. I must take the dog back. I am then consumed with getting the dog back to the owner. If I can't get a hold of that person I have a panic attack. I can't keep the dog. It makes me feel like a failure. I feel like a psycho.


Jessica said...

wow, merry that is a very interesting phobia. I wonder if it came because you have had a string of bad luck with dogs? I am sorry about this because dogs are such wonderful creatures...Do you think it is just the idea of all that responsibility? Or no, I guess it is just irrational and can't really be explained--like you said.

Anyway, I am sorry.

Lady Leth said...

I have that same feeling about work--wish I could give you some advice there!