Sorry it has been so long since I posted last but I kind of forgot I had a blog.
Here is what is going on with me right now. I have off until the 18
th of Feb and then I work a lot.
I am getting a puppy on March 6
th. Now you are probably thinking,"Is she nuts". No, I am not. I am working full force with Kim Champion and have no doubts that I can do this. We are addressing my anxiety but
identifying the triggers and exposing them for the bigger issues they are. Mike is on board too and that is a huge difference. I do wish you all to pray because I attempting to overcome this huge hurdle in my life. This irrational fear, or phobia, has got to go. I won't be letting the fear dictate how I live my life anymore.
Also, I am doing well with my weight loss. Overall, I have lost 26lbs altogether so far and 10 since starting weight watchers again after Christmas. I am setting small goals for myself and have 8lbs until I reach my first goal.
I am not eating sugar or dairy and this is helping me a great deal.
So, there is my small update.