Jul 28, 2007


I feel entirely sad right now. I feel so disconnected. If you know me at all you know that my friends and family are my world. I say this because I keep getting word from other people about my close friends and family. Things that I feel I should know. I hate that. I think it is because I work really hard at my relationships with people and I tell people things so they are a part of my life. I feel like I used to be in the loop and I just am not anymore. It is sad. I don't even know what to do about it. I HATE being the last to know stuff.


Jessica said...

Merry, I am sorry you feel that way--it is a sad place to be. I don't have anything very interesting to share with you right now--to make you feel apart of my loop--except that I am sorry I missed you and Mike stopping by yesterday...But, I am glad that you got to meet our little boy-cats:-)

Dave said...

hey dude i kinda know how you feel. I just heard recently that my cousin who lives like a half hr away had a baby... didn't even know she was pregnant! But... neway. I'm going to tell you something right now that noone else knows. NOONE! ready? Harry Potters real name is Lloyd. There! now your on the in crowd! =P

hugz (tha z is for special ppl only)

merry said...

that is so funny. I laughed out loud. Thanks.

Jen said...

(that was dave)
