Jun 10, 2012


So, things are weird when you aren't use to your new body. You aren't really sure what you can eat, when you will have to go to the bathroom or what you can do. I found out that I can't actually walk about a mile in the 93 degree heat, watch a baseball game with 13 innings and then walk the mile back without passing out. I thought I had plenty to drink but I know I didn't eat enough yesterday. I was half way back to the car when I had to just stop. Mike said he would come back for me but traffic was so bad that after a half an hour I started to feel that familiar feeling of, " uh-oh, I am going to either throw up or wait, no, I am actually going to pass out."It's like this tingly feeling all over the body. Then I feel dizzy and start to fade out and everything goes white. I lowered myself down to the concrete and then a lady was asking me if I was ok. She called three cops over. I felt pretty stupid but I felt really sick. I didn't have my phone with me so one of the officers called Mike to see how far away he is. He said, "Mike, this officer______. Yeah, man it's the cops!" I thought it was hilarious that he said that. He was joking around with me and then after he walked me to Mike he said, "You can't say that we don't treat you right when you come to Baltimore". I laughed and agreed that a Philly cop probably wouldn't have been so nice. Anyway, live and learn.

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