I don't know how to write this post without A. sounding like I am praising myself and B. maybe sounding like a jerk. So, I will just write and hopefully it sounds ok. The other day Mike commented that maybe I should start trying to get a few massages to supplement my extremely part time job. I immediately contacted some people to get massages and told them I would do it for free. What the heck, Mer? It didn't hit me until later that maybe it was defeating the purpose to not charge for the massages especially since I now live more than an hour away from everyone. So, I started booking people and charging them. I still couldn't bring myself to charge full price. I just cannot charge what I should be charging.
I was thinking and thinking and getting down on myself. I thought,"You are a coward. You are afraid people won't think you are worth it. You don't want people to be mad at you". Then I realized something. Yes, I like getting paid the full amount for a massage because it helps Mike and me out. BUT I also really love being able to use my gift to bless people. I mean, where else could someone get a great massage at their house for 25.00 and a batch of cookies? I love to barter. I love getting paid in creative ways. It is just fun.It makes me feel like an old time doctor getting paid in chickens.
Also, massage always makes people so thankful and grateful. They think you are a hero because you make them feel better. I love being a hero. I love having a special skill that people love. I also love when people tell me that they won't ever go to another massage therapist because I am the best. I love when people think I am the BEST at something. It isn't often that I am the best at something.
Anyway, I realized that I love having a purpose. I love blessing people. I love getting paid too so hopefully I can incorporate the two.
Merry--I think you're onto something here. And you're not bragging at all--people using their gifts is the most natural and right thing in the world. it's like a golden retriever fetching--you don't think they are bragging when they bring the stick back so well every time. You are so gifted--I wish I could get a massage from you right now, in fact, cause my body hurts. But I might have to when I get home--and don't feel bad charging; think about how much YOU'VE spent training to become so good. Even the Bible says a worker is worth his wages--You should get paid for what you do so well. And it's awesome that it makes you so happy.
And p.s. massage is not the only thing that you are awesome at, btw.
Mer, that's awesome! I agree that it feels great when you have a skill that people value. I agree with Jessica, you totally deserve to pay the full rate. I remember during my internship my supervisor was teaching me how to talk about payment with my clients. She was reminding me that my service is valuable and I should be paid for it, just reminding me to get comfortable with confrontation. I think it's hard to remember that you deserve a good amount of pay when you're helping someone, you know?
mers, you were my hero today. you cheered me up so much when i really needed a friend. thanks. you have always been there for me when i needed you the most. in my book, you've always been one of the very best. and your massages are the very best too.
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