Nov 5, 2009


I attended Christian school my whole life. I think that for the most part I had a good experience and am really grateful that my parents made the sacrifice to send us there. Mike's parents sacrificed a lot to send him to Christian school and I know he is grateful as well. Some of the things that I loved about Christian school was the sense that God was real. I mean, everyone I know believed that he was real and that Jesus was our savior and the answer to that age old question of what happens to you when you die. I knew where I was going. I knew that the answers to all my spiritual questions were in the Bible. It was a very secure feeling and for a kid in a unstable family that security was mighty nice.
The music/drama class was great. We put on children's musicals for Christmas and then again in the spring. It was so fun and those shows are some of my favorite memories.

There are of course things I didn't like as well but the main one I can think of is the corporal punishment. Paddling. I was paddled. Twice. Twice for things that were not paddle worthy in my mind. I was spanked by my teacher with a huge wooden paddle while the principal watched. It hurt and it was humiliating. I just got the chills thinking about it.
I believe that no one has the right to strike your child. I cannot believe it was legal.

That feeling of being paddled, that humiliation and pain still is very real and fresh.

Today, I feel like I was paddled. Not physically, but it hurt and humiliated me just the same.

I was going along fine minding my own business thinking everything is fine and then BAM! I got in trouble at work. Apparently some students complained about a few things. Some are true...I have a horrible habit of calling something retarded when I think it is wrong. Some were completely false. I tried to handle it but I just started crying. My boss felt bad. he was just doing his job. But it hurt. I cried all the way home and I cried at home. Mike brought me flowers and he cheered me up in other ways. I still feel like I got paddled. I feel like I always get in trouble. In essence it wasn't even a huge deal. It isn't like I am on probation or in big trouble or anything. I just feel at 32 that I am too old to get in trouble. Please tell me I am not the only one who still gets in trouble.

By the way, Mike just used the word retarded to describe a situation. I think I need to paddle that boy.


lindsay said...

Mers, that is SO sad. I'm sorry to hear about your horrible day at work. I don't take that kind of negative feedback very well from authorities either--especially if I am trying so hard to do a good job. My professor yelled at me in class in the beginning of this semester during my first presentation. It made me so upset. It was really humiliating. I also had a professor yell at me and make me feel horrible when I decided not to go to Arizona for grad school. These things are difficult to take, but don't let it rock your world. Everybody gets negative feedback from time to time, and it is just up to us how we let it affect us. If the criticism is valid, I try to view it as discipline that will make me a better person. I still don't like it--I can feel my ego melting when that happens--but I can usually appreciate it after a while. If the criticisms aren't true, then I try not to take it to heart.

Emily said...

oh, Mer, I got paddled, too, and I still don't like that teacher! It really was an awful experience. And all because Matt Lengeek put his nasty shoe in my face!

I also have that habit of calling things retarded... I am currently trying to break it!