Mar 1, 2010


March has usually meant good things for me. First of all, my birthday which is March 25th. Every year I would have a party of some sort and it was always magical. A whole day just for me. I got what I wanted to eat all day, received awesome presents and never had to go to school. I was truly in charge for the day. When I was a little older I started the circle of love. That was when everyone sat around and said what they like about me. We have been doing this for years and years and I never heard about any other family doing this until recently. I personally feel that you should always tell people what you like about them but especially on the person's birthday. This year I will be 33. I say that I can't believe it every year but this year I really cannot. 33. Holy smokies. Anyway, birthdays are fun for me so I am glad that it is coming up.

Secondly, spring. I think we are all ready for a good dose of warm weather and pretty flowers. I did pray for a snowy winter but...sheesh. I am also praying for a beautiful spring that lasts a good three months. None of this straight from winter to summer crapola. I want warm weather, please.

Thirdly, puppy will be here on Saturday. I am excited though, obviously, a little nervous about my past failures. I know this time will work out because has to. I am making it work out. No more of this quitting stuff.

In other news, I officially switched to the Philadelphia campus of my school. I now teach the evening class there and it is really working out for me. It is only about 15 minutes to get there though it would be less if there were not so many lights on the Blvd. It takes me about an hour if I am going 60 to the Wilmington branch which I have been doing for a year and a half. I am amazed at how my gas needle moves so much slower these days. I am really not a morning person at all and therefore this works out so well for me.

Ok, so that is my update. Sick of writing right now. sorry for typos...I don't feel like reading this to check for them.


Jessica said...

I've always loved my birthday just to hear the nice things my family has to say about me--it's always been the best part of the day:)

And can't wait to meet little Dexter--so excited for you guys! And how awesome that your commute is so much shorter--how nice for you! that gives you so much more time for whatever you want now..and I didn't notice any typos at all...Miss you, Mer:)

lindsay said...

Mers! How is he doing? How are you doing? I can't wait to meet his furry little face!

Nina said...

That's great news about your job. And I think three months of Spring is an awesome idea. I'm all for it. I'll join in you in hoping for it, just like I hoped for a snowy winter...

How are things going with the pup?

merry said...

Baby Dex is doing well. We love him!