Wow. I am going to be 31 tomorrow. That is nuts. If you know me you know my birthday is a big deal. I am not making a big deal over my birthday this year. Usually I have a party and invite my closest friends and make them tell me what they like about me. It is called the circle of love. I love making people tell me what they like about me but apparently it was slightly stressful for some people.
My mom has been making me a cake shaped like a bunny for 31 years. Actually there was one year that I wanted a princess party with a princess cake. I think I was 6 or 7. It wasn't as good as the bunny cake. Every year my family would wake me up by singing happy birthday and bringing me presents and breakfast in bed. Angel delight donuts from dunkin donuts. Angel creme with chocolate on top. After I recovered from the sugar shock I could do whatever I wanted for the whole day. I never had to go to school. I could order my family around. Anything goes on your birthday.
I picked out a puppy for my birthday present. She is this adorable little black maltipoo with white feet and white on her nose.In the pic above you obviously cannot see how cute her face is. I will get her when we have settled into a house and she is old enough to leave her momma. She isn't even walking yet. Anyway, I am not sure what to name her. Any suggestions?
That is all I feel like writing right now. I think I need to take a nap. I am feeling kid of ill.
She is so cute...I can tell, even though its the back of her.
I hope you have a great day tomorrow. Birthdays, they are a-changin.
Happy birthday! I love you, and I love your puppy!! I am not as creative at naming things as you are- but if I think of something appropriate, I'll let you know!
Happy Birthday Mer Mer. I had tons of fun on Saturday. I am glad that you guys came over.
In keeping with tradition:
I love you Merry because... Beauty, humor, and kindness follows you, even in your dark times.
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