Jul 5, 2008


My head hurts. Yesterday Mike and I attended the 10 year anniversary and renewal of wedding vows of our friends, Heather and Chuck. It was a full on wedding because they never had one. It was beautiful and we were pleased to be a part of it. We didn't know too many people there besides Brian and Nina, Darby, Linds and Collin, Sarah and Jacob and Kate Dudley. It was still really fun.

This past week Mike and I were on vacation. We spent time with family and spent the night in Atlantic City at Trump Plaza. Mike won $208.00 at the slot machines. It was pretty exciting. He stopped while he was ahead.

I am excited to see Jen and Dave's baby girl and Susan and Jason's son. Babies are fun. I seriously hope we can have one one day soon.

This was a lame post but like I said, my head hurts.


Susan Marie said...

First of all, I hope your head feels better soon, my friend.
Second, there is no such thing as a lame post. I subscribe to your blog to get to read what is going on in your world! Plus, I'm excited for you to meet my son, too.
Oh, and tell Mike good job on his winnings. I am very unlucky with slots, so I'm always impressed if people win anything at all!

Jessica said...

way to go with the 208.00 and stopping while ahead! I think that pretty much means he beat the system...
Hope your head is feeling better by now:-)