Aug 20, 2008

Back on the horse

The bad news is that I am still fat and Laura's wedding in less than two months away. I am going to knock off a couple of lbs by then. The good news is that I lost 11lbs since the last time I started weight watchers and have decided to start again. I have thought many times about erasing this blog but I didn't and I am glad I didn't because this is my weight loss journey and I knew it would be hard. So here I am starting again. If you still read this, please let me know....and pray.


BlogStalker said...

Merry, I am a total stranger, and I usually have a rule for myself about not commenting on a complete strangers blog, but what you said tonight made me think I should put in my two cents worth. What I love about your blog is how HUMAN and totally REAL you are, and believe it or not, THAT is completely encouraging and uplifting. Does that seem plausible? It is to me, one of god's least of these. A blog, IMHO, is primarily for the writer, but it is appreciated by others. While that appreciation should probably never be the motivational force for writing it, sometimes the writer can use a little encouragement too. So I hope you keep doing it even if it's hard. And traveling mercies to you for a journey that is one of the most difficult to take. I have fibromyalgia too, and recently strange hormonal shifts made my weight sky rocket (along with a host of other unpleasant and draining symptoms, to which I know you can relate), and I know those things are going to make the weight very difficult to take off (which I wouldn't even care about if I was at least healthy). When people tell me I just need to exercise and eat less, I want to say things that are extremely un christain like. But how dare they presume. You don't have to print my comment if you don't want to, I just wanted you to know. And I'll keep reading as long as you allow it.

Jessica said...

I read it!

And way to go on losing 11lbs--that's great!

But, I will be praying, my friend...

merry said...

Thank you blog stalker! I am truly honored that you read and enjoy my blog.It was so kind of you to comment. I mean that. It meant a lot to me. and Jessica my love, I know you read my blog and you are one of my most faithful readers and friends. Strangely enough, I meant to post that entry to my other blog but I am actually really glad I didn't.

Jessica said...

blogstalker moved me, too--so thank you for that! Though, I know you don't know Merry and so really really don't know me:-)

And Mer--I though maybe that entry was meant for your other blog, but I think it worked out well this way, IMHO it.

Jen said...

I read all the time. I guess I fall into the blog stalker category too, since I don't comment a lot.

Susan Marie said...

Hey, Merry- I'm still reading and still praying (mostly in the shower, I must confess). I love how you are able to express the whole human range of emotions- sometimes in one sentence!

BlogStalker said...

Merry, thanks for letting me comment on your blog. I comment on Jessica's blog all the time as semi anonymous, so you may have seen me there already. I am trying to understand the technology better in order to start a blog myself, but in the meantime, I love the blogs of people who are authentic like you as an example to follow. Even though we've never met, we know people in common, so there is only a degree of separation between us, I'm sure we'll meet someday. I almost offered to help you move in April because we have a large van, but we had company coming that weekend and it just seemed too creepy to offer. Now I wish I had figured out a way to do it. But anyway, I am always reading and wishing the best for you.

merry said...

Again, blogstalker, you are truly kind.