Sep 12, 2008


I went to the Dentist today. I haven't been to a dentist in about 6 years and was kind of scared that he was going to say that my mouth was full of cavities. I have never had a cavity and the thought of having one makes me feel really sad.

Turns out I still don't have any cavities. It is great but it is also really strange. No one else that I know has never had a cavity. I don't even take exceptional care of my teeth. I only brush once a day usually, floss occasionally and there are some days when I forget to do both.

Oh well, awesome for me!


Jessica said...

way to go, Merry;-)

jason j said...

You know me and i am cavity free so far..

The last time I went to the dentist (about six years ago too) I had this awesome intern check me out. He was a recent import from some Asian country so he had this great accent.. He said "you have such good teeth.. so strong.. My teeth are very bad, but yours are so good.. you are very lucky!"

It was pretty funny