Sep 8, 2008


So far I have lost 16lbs since I started weight watchers. I am proud of myself though I do have a lot more to lose. I just have to see every pound as a huge victory and have rewards for myself at different milestones.

Yesterday we went to the Eagles game and had really great seats. It was hot as all get out. I kept looking at the cheerleaders because we were close enough to see their faces. They weren't all that beautiful but they all had very tiny bodies. I was a little jealous.

I am tired and anxious about work. I don't feel like writing more now because I am writing in short sentences like a second grader reading an essay on their summer vacation. I apologize.


jason j said...

i didn't know you were there... Drew and I were there too!

It was a party game from start to finish.

Emily said...

Hi Mer. I miss you. And I made grape jam and thought of you. Your mom is in my Bible study. I'll give some jam to her, and I'll tell her to give it to you.
Love, Em

Jessica said...

Drew said that the thoroughly drunk guy behind him kept commanding people to do this to the Rams: Rip out their spines and sell them on Ebay!!!!!

I laughed when he told me, as disgusting as it is...

jason j said...

That guy was hillarious... i wanted to keep buying him beers b/c the more he drank the funnier he got.

merry said...

There was a loud guy near us too. We were sitting in section 121 row 16. Where were you guys?

Nina said...

I think short sentences are underrated. I love them. Good for you for your short sentences and the sixteen pounds!

jason j said...

We were in C9 which was the club level in the corner of the end zone where all the players ran out of...

rest assured.. there was probably more than one drunk and loud jerk in the crowd :)