Nov 5, 2008

Last night I started sobbing because I remembered that Poppop died. It was like a person with Alzheimer's. I literally didn't remember and then I was hiding under my sheets looking at them and I realized that they used to be Mommom and Poppop's and I was like,"Oh I feel like I haven't seen Poppop in forever I should...Oh he is dead."Sob Sob Sob. I started talking and I told God to give him the message if he(PP) couldn't hear me and then I heard really loudly in my head,"I LOVE YOU MURRY". It was his voice and I know it was him.Even now I am crying....cause he was so wonderful and such a special special person.

Yeah, I know I wrote Murry. That is how my mom's side of the family says my name. Why does it hurt so much inside. He had such a long and great life. I want him here. I miss him so much.


Jessica said...

this is so sad; I am so sorry...

lindsay said...

It is so sad. A brilliant shining star has gone out. That is how I describe it to myself.

merry said...

yeah... I just don't think there are many fantastic people in the world and Poppop was one of them. It is like the world is worse off with out him.

darby said...

I guess it's good to cry. But I can't seem to stop sometimes. It hits me like a wave. I remember he's gone, and then I think about his face and his songs and all of the happy times we had. He was a part of the happiest ones. And now he's gone--like Linds said, a brilliant star went out. I just wonder if he has any idea how much he really means to us. I really hope he does now.

Nina said...

That's so sad, Merry. All I can say is that grief is a sneaky thing. It comes at you out of the blue in moments when you're doing just fine. I don't think it ever goes away completely either. My mom died seven years ago, and just within the past few weeks I thought to myself, "I guess I'll call Mom." Ugh. I guess the best thing that can be said is that it's wonderful that you had such a long and close relationship with your grandfather.

Jessica said...

every time I read this post I start crying...
But it is true what Nina said: how amazing that you had such a wonderful relationship with your grandfather. Not that I am saying cheer up charlie, or anything; I just wish that I could have had grandparents that I were half as close to as you were to yours. What a special relationship.