I read on Phillyblog, A place I like to frequent for info about my area, that New Jersey is trying to get marijuana legalized for medical use. What do you think? I seriously want to know. On this particular blog there was a poster who said that he knew people that are just waiting for it to be legal so that they can be high all the time. He used that as a reason to not legalize it. I thought that was kind of odd.
Here is the thing. Marijuana has an analgesic effect and it does alter your state of mind sort of like alcohol and or percoset or any other strong pain killer out there. I have found that if used in a "responsible way" ( let's face it using something illegal is never responsible) which means not too much, there are no negative side effects. If a person drives under the influence, it would be the same thing as driving under the influence of alcohol. If someone has it without a prescription, it would be the same as someone having any other drug without a prescription. I just don't understand why people think that it would be a bad thing for medical use. Can someone explain it?
I am not exactly sure, either. I think that it is kind of dumb that we pay tax money to lock up people who use marijuana. You never really hear of somebody being high on marijuana and beating up his wife and kids or going on a shooting rampage.
I think that if it can help people medicinally, why not?
I wonder if illegal drug trafficking is just too much of a big business for some to legalize it.
Also, I think that our police force could certainly focus on much bigger, more dangerous issues than throwing someone who occasionally smokes pot in jail.
I'm for it.. I've never smoked it once before, but I think its ridiculous that some people in the government have such a bug up their butt about it.
Its something that could be used to help people with chronic pain disorders, so why shouldn't doctors or pharmacists be able to have it in their tool box to use.
It really bugs me that so much money is used to keep pot illegal or those who use it behind bars. I mean, sure, if it was legal I would want it over some of the other pain medicine that has been prescribed to me in the pass. I get all itchy with Percs. I seriously doubt doctors would be so liberal.Also, I think you are right Jess, most people just tend to get more mellow(with the exception of those who get paranoid or hyper) I mean maybe it is the answer to a lot of the violence issues the world has. Can't we all just spark up a doobie and get along?
I definitely think pot should be legal for medicinal purposes. It does wonders for cancer patients from everything I read. The people who would be helped by it should be able to get it legally.
I honestly doubt it would lead to much more use in the general population. People who want to use it already do. And even if it does, well, let's face it, prescription painkillers are already widely abused.
I read about this in our local paper. Apparently NJ would only be the 13th state to allow it. I say why not - I do think it's strange that people would be allowed to grow it themselves instead of getting from a drug store like they're supposed to get every other pain killer.
I wonder if it would make less people abuse it since legalizing it would take that "forbidden fruit" aura from it. People wouldn't think of it as a way to "stick it the man" anymore--I wonder if legalizing it would make it look less attractive to people.
I believe that is true...about it losing it's "forbidden fruit" quality.I mean, sure, it feels good to be high but I am thinking a lot of people start doing it because it is "bad". If I remember correctly that is why I started smoking pot.That darned rebellious streak of mine.
It'd be interesting to find out how things are in Amsterdam, since pot is legal there.
Is it less of a big deal? are the people in chronic pain feeling better?
Or does nobody work, the city is in flames, and a bunch of people are eating cheeze nips and strangely calm all the while...?
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