Jun 5, 2009

June 6, 2009

I have been swimming a lot lately which I am proud of. It has gotten to where I would rather make the effort to swim and feel good than sit at home and feel bad. I have started doing water aerobics too. It isn't as easy as it looks. I am however, apparently, the only one under 50 that takes it and therefor look as if I am in great shape. I'm jumping and kicking and punching and jogging and have energy left to spare at the end. It feels great! I feel much more toned and seem to be slimming down a little bit. The only downside is that my body still aches. Today, I guess because of the cold and rainy weather, my legs hurt really badly. Also, if I sleep with my legs out of the covers they feel stiff the whole next day. Which is the case today as well.

Kim Champion, AKA, the best therapist in the world, recommended that I read,"The Beck Weight Loss Solution". It is all about cognitive therapy and applying it to the negative thoughts that sabotage one who struggles with losing weight. It is great so far. I can really relate to a lot of the negative thoughts that I, ridiculously enough, thought were unique to me. If feels so great to know that a lot of other people experience the same negative thought patterns.

Anyway, I have to go to a class and the jacuzzi is calling my achy legs home.

Sorry for typos. I don't feel like checking my work today.


Jessica said...

First of all, I didn't notice any typos at all.

Second of all, I am so glad that you are enjoying and benefitting from your time spent with Kim Champion.

Third of all, way to go on your water aerobics and swimming--that is really really awesome, MEr!!!

Nina said...

This is great, Merry. I'm so happy for you. That is fantastic that you feel like you'd prefer to get out and swim than to stay home and feel like crap. Good for you!

lindsay said...

hey mers. doing stuff in a pool is so hard for me. i just tried to swim laps today, and i got to 4 and then felt like i was going to drown from exhaustion. it's tough business! anyway, keep up the good work! and i think the cognitive approach to changing habits is awesome.