Jul 23, 2009

Not much to say

I thought I would write a new post though I do not have anything that big to say. Just a few small things,

1. I am extremely excited about the upcoming wedding of my dearest friend, Elizabeth SJ Letham. She has asked me to be a Maid/Matron of honor (her sister is the other one)

2. I had a dream last night that Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) was my boyfriend. It was a really good dream. He bit me. I liked it.

3. I am unbelievable exhausted today and I do not know why. Must have been that dream.


Jessica said...

I, too, am extremely excited about the forthcoming nuptials of none other than Elizabeth SJ Letham; she will be a beautiful bride and her wedding will be magical and lovely! And you will be a fantastic Matron of Honor, my dear;-)

Edward Cullen, huh?!?! How does Mike feel about that?!

merry said...

Mike thinks it is funny that I always have dreams about vampires. In fact, I have been having the dreams since before any of the twilight or true blood stuff came out. Guess I have always had a thing for vampires.

Jessica said...

Well as vampires go, Edward is certainly of the best kind.

Wait. Angel. He's pretty great too.