Nov 9, 2009

frowny face

You know, something has been on my mind lately and I need to get it out. Fat people have feelings too, damn IT. Seriously, you can't make fun of gay people, and rightfully so, without getting into a load of trouble, I got in trouble at work for calling a situation retarded, and if you say anything about someone who is physically handicapped you are a douche bag. So, why are people still allowed to say stuff about fat people? It is the subject of so many jokes and people think it is perfectly ok to say mean things about overweight people. Well, it hurts. Mike and I have been made fun of at various times of our lives for being overweight and it is really painful. Movies that are portraying an unattractive person always show someone who is really overweight. on Friends when it was "fat monica" she acted metally challenged, like you can't be normal or cool if you are overweight. Friends say to my face that it isn't a big deal and that overweight people can be attractive but they would never find someone who is overweight attractive. It makes me really angry.

Fatty, out.


Jessica said...

I am sorry for your pain, Mer...

Jen said...

Mer, that stinks. I've been reading books by Jennifer Weiner lately and a lot of time the main girl feels overweight. It's interesting to me because she basically says exactly what you're saying - how people who are overweight feel like they aren't accepted for who they are and that weight is the only thing people notice. She also made the point that some people eat healthy and exercise and their bodies just naturally hold more weight.

Anyway, I honestly think you're really pretty. (: