I had a great weekend.In my mind it was some of the best stuff that summer is made of. Just floating around in the pool with my straw hat and sunglasses on. Um, I had a bathing suit on too. No nude swimming in the middle of the day. I'm kind of strict about that rule. My doggie was floating on the raft with me. He will just climb right off the steps and right onto the raft because he doesn't like to be left behind. Ever.People I loved were there. Baby Sen was there in all her fanged glory. If you haven't had the pleasure of seeing this vampiresque girl, you need to. It will lighten your heart's load. I promise. She has two fangs in her upper mouth. It's hilarious and adorable.
The sun was hot but the pool was cool and there was a pleasant breeze in the shade. We ate food cooked outside. Many meatless treats including deviled eggs which is kind of the king of egg preparations in my book. Speaking of meatless... I have completely lost the taste for meat. It has been a long time coming but I really just can't really even choke it down. Maybe it is a mental block but meat tastes bad to me these days.
I'm pretty sunburned but it is a pleasant, albeit slightly painful, reminder of the great weekend. Hooray for summer. Though I am not a huge fan of the heat I am most definitely a fan of most other things summer.
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