Jan 29, 2008

Weight Watchers

I started weight watchers online and a new blog to go with my weight loss journey. However, not everyone will have access to that blog. My point in saying this is that I might post some stuff from that blog on here but not the really honest stuff...like how much I weigh. This blog is public and I don't feel like sharing all of my secrets with everyone. um, that is all I want to say right now.


Anonymous said...

totally understandable, Mer. My mom is doing weight watchers and it really seems to be working--she really likes it. Plus, Drew's mom is doing it and she has already lost 20 lbs! Sorry to keep saying the same thing, but it seems to work--I am excited for you, Merry! And post whatever you want and leave out whatever you want--we understand!

Susan Marie said...

I think it's really smart for you to journal or blog or whatever on any lifestyle change journey- so I give you full encouragement on your journal- but I totally understand why you would want to keep it private.

Jen said...

I too have seen weight watchers work for people. It's about a lifestyle change, right? That sounds much more supportive than a diet. I'm behind you all the way! Don't ever feel obligated to post private stuff. It's fun to read whatever you write.