Apr 26, 2005

good things

I love the rain and how it makes everything look more alive
I love the ocean in the winter and how the vastness makes my troubles seem small
I love the snow and the sound it makes when it is late at night
and no one else feels the need to be outside on the ground listening to the snow
I love the wind rustling through the trees and I imagine that it is God whispering that he loves me
I love waking up to a ray of sun on my face when on a road trip with my mother and sisters
and not knowing what state I am in
I love laughing so hard that no sound is coming out
I love the way my hair and skin smells when I have been outside all day
I love clean smelling cologne and how it makes any guy sexier
I love tatoos on nice boys
I love when people say good things about me and mean them
I love U2 and how the music stirs my soul
I love cute and furry animals
I love blue eyes and long eye lashes
I love my family and how they have to love me
I love to sing and creating music that no one will ever hear
I love when people write songs and poems about me
I love my antidepressant and how it makes me want to live

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