Jun 19, 2007


I feel this weird agitation inside. A restlessness that is making me annoyed. It is like I am bored and I want something to create but I can't figure out what it is. I don't want to do the laundry, I don't want clean and organize, I don't want to read or watch t.v. I want to make something cool but I don't feel inspired to make anything specific. ARG. I wish we had a pool here. I feel better when I swim.


Susan Marie said...

When you figure out what it is, make me one, too!

Anonymous said...

ah, artist's angst.

i get it all the time. which is why i left school last quarter. i knew that i wanted to be creative somehow, but it never came out quite right.

be peaceful or look at other people's creations & be inspired. both are helpful ideas.