Feb 12, 2008

Da Flu

I didn't get a flu shot this year. I have actually never gotten the flu shot and I don't remember ever getting the flu. Mike on the other hand got paid to get the shot. His company literally paid the employees to get the flu shot. You know what else Mike got? The flu. He has it right now and he is miserable. If you know Mike you know that he rarely takes off work and never for sickness unless he is feeling really bad or if he is afraid of infecting others. Yesterday I got a call and it sounded like a bear was on the line, "babe, can you pick me up" I said , "Do you feel sick"? and he said"That is correct". I think only Mike would say that is correct when he was feeling so badly. I picked him up and he was kind of cranky. I cut him some slack and made him some lunch. I then told him to take a nap. He was less cranky after his nap. I went to work and came back and the poor guy was wearing two sweatshirts and a hat and was bundled up under blankets. It was all I could do to not laugh at him because he looked hilarious. I figured it wasn't a good idea to make fun of the sicky. Anyway, Mike called off of work today and has been asleep all day. I went into check on him and he asked me a question. Before I could finish my sentence he was asleep again. Poor baby.


laura said...

The flu is nothing less than horrible. That is so sad. Whenever I get the flu I feel so bad and then I start feeling like I am slowly dying because it lingers on forever. Tell Mike we are thinking of him and we hope he gets better soon! ...not because he is dying but because the flu is so F*#$&@% horrible.

Nina said...

If Mike is bundled up in two sweatshirts, a blanket, and a hat, then he is definitely sick! I don't think I've ever witnessed Mike actually being cold. Tell him we hope he feels better soon.

Susan Marie said...

That is the saddest, sweetest most tenderly funny story... I had the flu only once in recent memory- I didn't leave my bed for days. You are a wonderful wife for being so kind and understanding to your poor, sick husband. I know he appreciates you- even if he can't stay awake long enough to tell you so!

Jen said...

Sometimes sick people are pretty funny. I've held back quite a few laughs when Dave has been sick, just because he's suddenly so out of character. I hope Mike feels better very soon!