Feb 27, 2008


I finally hit the 5lb lost mark on Weight Watcher's . Whew. that was tough. It will hopefully be easier without the lexapro holding me back. So I have lost about 8lbs altogether. I am happy with that and it gives me hope for the future.

In other news, we go to settlement on the house in 20 days. I am very excited.

Also, Mike said that if I stop biting my nails and let them grow out I can get a puppy. Sucka! I can do that... no sweat. We can't get a pup until we move into the house and we are looking for a small breed. Hopefully a rescue and probably older. If you know of any looking for a home give me a shout.


Susan Marie said...

Cool! I'm really excited for you to get a house. You are an unstoppable force of excellence!!

merry said...

Thanks Sus. I am an UFOE!

Nina said...

Those are three completely exciting things. And I'm going to have to stash the term UFOE into the back of my brain and use it sometime.

I can't believe Mike will soon be living with two cats and one dog. He truly loves you.

Jen said...

What a cute deal! Does Mike love long nails?

merry said...

Mike doesn't like long nails particularly. I can't have long nails because of my massaging but he just wants me to stop biting them because they are little nubs and he thinks it is bad for me.