Feb 28, 2009

New post

So, per request from my adoring fans, I decided to write a new post even though I feel like I don't have a lot to say right now. I think I will write some things that are on my mind right now.

1. I cannot believe it is March 1. It feels like this winter just flew by.There is snow on the ground today but I am a little disappointed that we didn't have at least one big snow. I guess there is still hope. After said big snow I would then like the warm weather to come quickly. When I say warm I mean mild. I want a nice spring. I don't want it to go from freezing cold to boiling hot. I love spring. I adore the trees when they have the little flowers that smells so good. Apple blossoms are my favorite. The one tree that I can see from my kitchen window has buds on it already. This makes me happy.

2.I keep having recurring dreams about being in YWAM. It is never a good thing. I always find myself at a DTS and I never understand why I am redoing my DTS. I realize all of a sudden that I didn't pack anything and I made the decision on a whim without fully thinking it through. Then I realize that I left Mike back at home and I am so worried that our marriage won't survive it. Then I also realize that some of the people I knew from my actual DTS are staff and they are mean to me. It's horrible.

3. My 32nd birthday is March 25. I cannot believe that I am 32. That sounds so old to me. I still feel very much like a child in many ways. I wonder if there will be an age I get to where I feel like an adult.

4. I can't think of anything els to write about right now. Sorry fans.


Jessica said...

Your adoring fans say thank you!!!

The issue of age and how one "should feel" when one reaches a certain year is so relative, I think. The truth is one always feels like oneself, no matter how old they are.

I have read about an elderly lady catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror and wondering, "who is that old woman?" only to be surprised when she realizes it is, in fact, her.

I guess one thing that changes with the years is our level of responsibility--I know when I think about our mortgage and other bills I really do feel like an adult.

But then I still like to shop at Urban Outfitters, wear short shorts, and eat peanut butter and jelly, which doesn't sound super adult-like...

Nina said...

I am an adoring fan, and I want to request ANOTHER new post. Please?

Also, I want to assure you that 32 is not old. Not even a little bit. Of course, I have made the shocking discovery that the older I get, what I thought was old really doesn't seem so old after all.