May 7, 2009

Bad dreams

When I was younger I used to take this stuff to help me sleep and it worked really well. I recently started taking it again in order to sleep better and I have found that I have been having horrible dreams. Nightmares, I would say.

I have had a dreamed that Mike slept with someone else.

I dreamed that I was in Naples, Florida where my grandparents used to live but a lot of the gulf of mexico had dried up.It was creepy and horrible looking.

I dreamed that I was kidnapped by the father of a friend from childhood because he was obsessed with me.

The strange thing about the Florida one was that I used to have this nightmare again and again that I was standing on the balcony and the water was really rough and had huge waves. The water just kept rising until it was right up to the bottom of the balcony which meant that everything under the 7th floor of the building was covered in the water.The balcony was crumbling underneath me and I could see huge whales swimming really close to me. It was terrifying.

I also have this dream that I am in my parents neighborhood but mansions have been built up all around it. The a war breaks out and it turns out to be the 3rd world war.

I think I will stop taking the Melatonin.


Jessica said...

I have had a similar dream to the scary ocean one with waves that are too big and close and even a tsunami. Terrifying.

I have also dreamt that a war has broken out on my parents' property, but judging from the clothing and weapons, it was more like the Civil War than WW3.

Nina said...

Those are terrible dreams. I didn't know melatonin could mess with your head like that. Did the melatonin help you with your sleep, or did the nightmares destroy any progress with your sleep?

I recently dreamed that I had lice. Ugh! But I'm prone to vermin dreams -- though usually of the spider and rodent variety.

lindsay said...

Darby and I have that same whale dream about Naples.

merry said...

I knew you had one like it but I didn't know Darby did or that there were whales. the whales were so creepy.

Nina, Melatonin helped me to fall asleep but I had the dreams and also night sweats. it is mixed with something that is supposed to help you stay asleep. I don't remember just plain Melatonin doing anything bad.